How Oikocredit is supporting smallholder farmers through the pandemic [video]

How Oikocredit is supporting smallholder farmers through the pandemic [video]

Oikocredit Unocace Solidarity fund14 octobre 2020

In this short video you will see how with the help of our partner (Unocace) the Oikocredit solidarity fund is supporting cocoa farmers thorough the pandemic, and our partners are showered with gratitude and blessings.

Oikocredit’s coronavirus solidarity fund supports end-clients and members of our partners in meeting new Covid-19 regulations. It can enable businesses to stay open, by providing personal protective equipment (PPE), or supply grocery parcels for farmers affected by the pandemic who cannot reach the cities to buy what they need, as shown in this short video.

Our cooperative partner, Unión de Organizaciones Campesinas Cacaoteras del Ecuador (Unocace) features in the video as well as some of its cocoa-producer associations and farmers from south-west Ecuador. People may say that money makes the world go round, but at Oikocredit, we believe it’s people.

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